Uncover Your Authentic Self!
Aug. 21, 2023

Episode 29 is out! The Rush of Chaos

Episode 29 is out! The Rush of Chaos
The Rush of Chaos
Our lives -- with ambition, career and family and friends, with social media trends and distractions, or for some, just trying to get by -- life comes at us so fast it is hard to get a quiet moment just to rest let alone think of others and put energy into altruism. And when we do get those rare moments of quiet, we can't use them. We're looking for the next jolt, the next bit of stimulation, the next challenge. When all around us is going so fast, how can we learn to be the calm center of the storm?
I hope you'll have a listen or watch on YouTube, share and comment! I'm so eager to hear from you -- your opinions, feedback, ideas and experiences!