We’ve often underpinned a lot of our previous discussions and insights with the idea of embracing others without condition, without distinction. But what does that mean? Today we’ll turn that stone over and try to better unde...
We’ve often underpinned a lot of our previous discussions and insights with the idea of embracing others without condition, without distinction. But what does that mean? Today we’ll turn that stone over and try to better unde...
Buddhist concepts, doctrine and traditional practices can seem daunting and nearly impossible to work into our busy and challenging lives. But what the Buddha taught — and what has been reinforced and highlighted in Shinnyo B...
Having suffered some health issues recently, I lost my center and focus — I became focused on my suffering and my inability to take action as I had previously. With help, I was able to get out of this negative …
Facing an imminent meeting with someone to whom I had a grudge, I decided I was no longer willing to carry the weight and negativity of old grudges — the one against this person or any of my more than …
We go through life conflating thankfulness and gratitude and I suspect gratitude is something much deeper, more significant. Using some of the Buddha’s teaching, as well as our own experience, we discover that gratitude emerg...
Conflicts and disagreements and toxicity are pervasive in our world — from society at large to our neighborhoods and even inner circle of family and friends. This all leads to conflict — quarrels, fights and disagreements wit...
Recognizing when we ourselves are being jerks is an opportunity to look deeply into our psyches, our egos, and find the places in our mind where we cling, grasp and protect our fragile egos. Finding the roots of Buddhism’s “t...
Building on what we discussed before, we tackle the question -- how can I change the world if I can't even change my life or the people around me? And how can I do so if I am overwhelmed by …
This time we take on the heaviness of current events and how to pivot to positivity.
Doing for others, putting others first, giving away that which is ours to benefit others. This other-focus is counterintuitive to our more baser natures -- and our egos' drive to survive and thrive. But it is the secret sauce...
Throughout human history, there have been words of power -- mantras, spells, incantations. But it isn't just these special words that have power. Our everyday words are also enormously powerful. They can uplift or hurt. Sooth...
Our lives -- with ambition, career and family and friends, with social media trends and distractions, or for some, just trying to get by -- life comes at us so fast it is hard to get a quiet moment just …
It can't be denied or ignored... Some people are just jerks. This reality poses challenges to our spiritual work trying to be unconditional, accepting and altruistic without regard for friend or foe. How do we address the jer...
When we feel irritated or bothered by others when they're talking to us, we can use this negative response to create a positive outcome. We can use it to listen with our entire beings to the other person and in …
Time - they say it flows like a river, but frankly that river flows way too fast sometimes. Today we'll discuss how to regain balance from overly stressful situations and times in our lives as well as how to use …
Our tendency, under the sway of our egos, is to become defensive in situations where we are challenged or tested or blamed. Using that feeling of defensiveness can be a cue to show us a different way to react -- …
How many times have we started a new project, set a new goal, started a new program with the goal of making changes in our life or lifestyle, hobby, health or any positive step forward and, after time, noticed that …
Anger is a powerful emotion that can lay wasted to what is positive in our lives. Despite that anger is something we all experience -- maybe more frequently than we'd like to admit. There are ways to use our experiences …
In our fractured and polarized world in which we all can't even agree on what is fact and what is true, how do we find the way to be of help and hold true to our intention of being altruistic …
Feeling grief and loss when we lose loved or revered ones is all part of a process. But it is one that can overwhelm us and bring us to a halt in terms of spiritual progress and being available to …
In our lives, no matter how hard we try otherwise, we still sometimes hurt others with words, negative thoughts or selfish actions. These can accumulate and drag us down into negativity. Instead, we can recognize these mistak...
Sometimes we discover insight and opportunity from the least likely people, places and situations. Being open and aware allows us to discover and share a sense of grace as well as find the intersection where our authentic sel...
Our world is full of people and situations that cause outrage and anger causing us to scream into the void - or shout at our TVs or send nasty online messages. But we can use that which outrages us as …